Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Missouri Lover & an Arkansas “Dream” Girl…Part 4.

And The Truth Slips Out!

T. Allen McQuary, who eloped with Maggie Swan, admits that the story of the Arkansas girl for whom he circled the globe, is a myth. In a letter to the "Star" from Carthage, Mo., he says:

"Knowing that all the world loves a lover." said McQuary at Carthage recently, "I invented an Arkansas girl with a fortune of $5,000, who was to be mine when I made the tour in eighteen months. By proper advertising and keeping my name in the newspapers, I made a very successful lecture tour to the Pacific coast, starting from Springfield in July, 1897. On this trip I sold pamphlets and lectured on what I intended to do, and on the charms of that hypothetical girl.

"I shipped as a stowaway and worked my way as a sailor to Japan, lectured there and worked my way back to the Pacific coast. From there home I had something else to talk about than girls—I had seen the Orient.

"My travels and schemes are now over: I am ready to settle down for life, and admit that the Arkansas girl was very useful to me for a time, but never had any real existence. The report that I intended to again enter the lecture field and pass my wife off as the girl for whom I made trip is absolutely false."

So the bride in hand being worth two in the imagination, the world of romance has lost a man who needed the money and knew a good way to get it.
End of Article.
There's More to Come of...
A Missouri Lover & an Arkansas “Dream” Girl…Part 5.
Comments? Email me!
Works Cited:
“Something of a Fictionist.” Emporia Weekly Gazette 10.43 (7 June, 1900) 3. Access Newspaper Archive. Baxter County Library, Mountain Home, AR. 1 Dec. 2009

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