Jacob Wolf, His House & Liberty, Arkansas

This is a Working Document, and not affiliated with the

 The Arkansas Gazette
Arkansas Post, Arkansas
 December 27, 1825 - Tuesday  •  Page 1

 Izard County was created in 1825. In Section 2 of this Act it is stated:
"...the seat of justice for said county, shall be held at the house of Jacob Wolf.


 The Arkansas Gazette
Arkansas Post, Arkansas

August 22, 1826 - Tuesday  •  Page 5 

 The Arkansas Gazette
Arkansas Post, Arkansas
May 8, 1827 - Tuesday  •  Page 3

The Arkansas Gazette
Arkansas Post, Arkansas
December 30, 1828 - Tuesday  •  Page 4

 Arkansas Times and Advocate
Little Rock, Arkansas
September 5, 1834 - Friday  •  Page 4 

John P. Houston is referenced in this religious Campmeeting article. 
Houston was the 1st Izard County Clerk

The Arkansas Gazette
Arkansas Post, Arkansas
July 14, 1835 - Tuesday  •  Page 2 

Liberty, Arkansas is listed as a marking point on
 the Old Military Road, from Jackson to Fort Smith:

Fort Smith - 0 Mile
VanBuren - 5th Mile
Fayetteville - 56th Mile 
Three Forks - 65th Mile
War Eagle Fork - 78th Mile
Osage Fork of King's River -  100th Mile
Long's Creek - 116th Mile
Crooked Creek -128th Mile
Crooked Creek - 145th Mile
Talburt's Ferry - 163rd Mile
Big North Fork of White River at Liberty -181st Mile
Strawberry River - 214th Mile
Spring River - 246 3/4 Mile
Terminates in Jackson in Lawrence County - 250th Mile 

  The Baptist
Nashville, Tennessee
May 16, 1837 - Tuesday  •  Page 8  

Jacob Wolf was an agent selling subscriptions to 
The Baptist newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee.


The Arkansas Banner
Little Rock, Arkansas
April 16, 1850 - Tuesday  •  Page 3

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