Click on above picture to learn more about the history of
The Baldknobbers Hillbilly Jamboree Stage Show.
Aggernite (Lyle W. Mabe) was one of
the main characters I always watched on stage because, in my mind, he was
larger than life. The reason? He was on the nightly 10 o’clock KY3 news out of
Springfield, Missouri, doing commercials for Empire Gas. I didn’t get to see him
often because we didn’t have a TV, due to we lived to far in the valley to get
a signal. Therefore, I would spend the night, every so often, at my Granny
Anderson’s knowing she would watch the news, and I would see George Aggernite
with his toothless smile.
Of Politics
& Religion
And now, a word of warning…I’m about to sound
a little political. As to the “party” I belong to…American. After that, it’s a
toss-up. I am conservative and get an uneasy feeling when meeting politicians
because I don’t always trust them. Nevertheless, I’m one of the guys that will
make phone calls, write letters, and emails from the White House all the way
down to the locals. I do this because it is my call, duty, and responsibility.
If I have done this sincerely, the burden and responsibility is then upon the
representative. I realize that many politicians have disregarded my nuisance;
but in the Day of Judgment, the Lord will hold them responsible for their transgressions.
I’ve long been a political activist before some people who woke up late in the
game called the Tea Party. Nothing against Tea Party, but 2009 was a bit too
late. I believe the Lord gives our nation the leaders we deserve, and we have
to work with the ones we have been blessed or cursed with. In the end, I’m an
optimist. I believe with every cursed & corrupt leader/leaders, we have the
opportunity to see our mistakes as a nation. At this moment, we have such
glaring opportunities it is amazing. Yes, you may read between my lines.
Political parties, many times start out with
great intentions. But, as time goes by, grandiose objectives become mixed with
flamboyant excess and disparaging corruption. In times past, political maneuvers
and tactics were meted out by stately politicians who would pelt each other
with their canes, brandishing a Bowie knife, or have a civil duel. (Lately,
that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.) Additionally, an exasperated crowd may
revert to tar & feathering the culprits and ran them out of the country. At
this time, these alternatives, unfortunately, are not looked upon kindly by
those who make the laws for us to live by.
The Ozarks’
In the past, the Ozarks too has had its’
political parties, though we haven’t seen them on the ballot lately. The two
parties I’m referring to are the Baldknobbers and the Anti-Baldknobbers. To the
defense of the Baldknobbers, it all started out with good intentions with the
determination of freedom to practice their religion. As to the historical Ozark
Bald Knobbers, there is a story to discover that will show the darker side of
our nature and the terror and prejudice once endured. These events spanned
Taney, Christian, and Ozark counties in Missouri. There is one book covering
these Ozark desperadoes called, Bald Knobbers: Vigilantes on the Ozarks
Frontier, by Elmo
Ingenthron and Mary Hartman. According these authors, the Bald Knobbers were
"mostly conservative Republicans and former Unionists," the anti-Bald
Knobbers were mostly "Democrats and former Confederate soldiers." The
initial leader of the Bald Knobbers was a man named, Captain
Nathaniel N. Kinney, whose
nickname was the "Old Blue Gobbler."
At the moment, I might be of the Anti-Bald Knobbers
Camp because in the late 1800’s they won in the courts, and the losers were
literally strung up…on a rope. This may mean I might also have a Southern
leaning in looking at the War of Northern Aggression, which is sometimes known
as the Civil War. It seems from time to time, history hangs its’ heroes on the
gallows at times.
Throughout this year, 2012, I will be blogging
a series of newspaper articles from the 1886 – 1918 that will cover the
spectrum of the Bald Knobbers. I have culled and saved over 100 of these
fascinating articles that details their conception, raids, capture, trials,
executions, and exoneration. We will discover how others looked at the whole
series of events to the commercialization of these outlaws. I am not going to
write the whole history of the Bald Knobbers on this blog, but I will post
significant articles that chronicled some of their exploits, triumphs, and
downfalls. Additionally, you may notice,
the spelling of this group can be either “Bald Knobbers” or "Baldknobbers.” This
is the beginning of the saga called the Bald Knobbers which is all a part of
our Ozarks’
They had to Hang Two Men and Shot Another,
and to Pray, Speak, and Sing with
their Hands on their Trusty Revolvers.
April 24. The town,
situated in Taney county, twenty-five miles from a railroad and within sight of
the bald knob of the Ozark Mountains, is a forbidding little place. The people
are easy going in everything except their deviltry. Shiftlessness is the rule.
They can get up energy enough to shoot or hang a man, but it would take some
entire families to produce enough vim to paint a weather-beaten house, mend a
roof, or nail a hinge on a gate. There are two factions in the county.
About a year ago the first Sunday school ever
held in this region was opened here. As soon as the scheme was broached there was
trouble. The Cogburn boys announced that there never had been a Sunday school in
Taney county, and it was altogether too late in the century for one to be
started now. They and their friends attended the service and interrupted them. The
backers of the Sunday school called upon the Sheriff for assistance but he was
a sympathizer with the Cogburns and on the ground that no jury could be found
to convict them, and that it would cost a good deal of money anyway, he refused
to take action. Finding themselves outside the protecting influence of the law,
the Sunday school party held meeting to devise mean of self-defense. The last of
these, at which a permanent organization was effected, was held in the bald
knobs, and from this fact the band became known as the "Bald Knobbers."
Two brothers named Taylor, who had been in the habit of riding on to the porches
of dwelling houses and firing their rifles in at the windows, were the first
victims of, the knobbers. They were caught at their tricks one night and the
next morning their bodies were found hanging in a tree where the pious Bald
Knobbers had placed them. This episode opened the war in earnest.
![]() |
Captain Nathanial N. Kinney |
The Sunday school having flourished and established
a few branches in various parts of the county, it was decided to hold a
convention at Oak Grove late last summer. Everybody attended,
knobbers and anti-knobbers. Things went
smoothly the first day, but on the morning of the second day of the session,
when the allegations met, they round a skull and crossbones and a coffin marked
“Capt. Kinney’s," and a note to Kinney, with a buckshot enclosed, warning
him to get out of the country as soon as possible. Capt. Kinney was the leader
of the knobbers, a man six foot five, weighing 250 pounds, and a very enthusiastic
worker in the Sunday school.
The Cogburn boys were in the Convention that
morning when it was called to order, apparently without their guns, but it was afterward
learned that their sisters, who were also present, had the family revolvers
suspended under their skirts, where they could be reached at a moment's notice.
After the opening prayer several speakers referred
to the skull and cross bones episode, all denouncing the authors of the placard
in unmeasured terms. While these addresses were in progress the Cogburns laughed
out loud and made frequent interruptions. Then Capt. Kinney stood up, and after
clearing his throat, said:
"I don't know exactly who left them
things In the vestibule, but I can guess pretty straight, and all I have to say
is that I'll bet he’ll need a coffin before I do. If he undertakes to interfere
with this convention I think there’s enough of us here to hang his hide on the fence
in about three minutes. I'm a peaceful man and don't want any trouble, but I
give everybody here fair warning that this Sunday school convention is going to
sit here till it gets through business, and anybody who interferes with it will
get hurt."
After further speeches in the same strain the
convention adjourned. In the afternoon all the delegates came around many of
them with rifles and shotguns. The brother who led in prayer knelt with his face
toward the door and held a revolver in his hand. Not one of the delegates,
whether they were speaking, singing, or praying, dropped his weapon once during
the proceedings. The Cogburns made no further demonstration, but when the
convention adjourned they again threatened that no more such meetings would be
From that time down to the first of this month,
Capt. Kinney and the Cogburns kept a continual lookout for each other. Then one
Sunday evening one of the Cogburns was seen hanging around the church which
Capt. Kinney usually attended. He had a rifle, and as he had been drinking, it was thought that he was about on
mischief, A young man who taught one of the classes in the Sunday school determined
it his duty to inform the Captain of the circumstance, and he accordingly
walked down the road to meet that worthy. Kinney had his gun also, and being forewarned
he crept stealthily to the church, got the drop on Cogburn, shot him dead as he
stood in the doorway. The Coroner’s jury
was made up of Bald Knobbers taken from the Sunday school, and Kinney was
acquitted on the ground that the shooting was justifiable.
Soon after this tragedy, which was only one of a score or more that had proceeded directly or indirectly from the institution of the Sunday school and the organization of the Bald Knobbers, several prominent men in the town not previously identified with either faction determined on organizing a militia company. The Anti-Bald Knobbers, who had suffered severely at the hands of that organization, saw in this scheme an opportunity to get even, and they espoused the cause in large numbers. Meetings were held, a roster was signed, and two prominent citizens started to the capital to lay the matter before the Governor, and receive the necessary authority and equipment. At this stage of the proceedings the Bald Knobbers got wind of the enterprise, and they, too sent delegates to Jefferson City. They showed Gov. Marmaduke that not one of the proposed militiaman was a taxpayer, and proved to his satisfaction that the organization was intended to make war upon citizens. One young man who had been induced to enlist, confessed that the intention of the military leaders was to match on the Bald Knobbers some time when they were in church or Sunday school, and take them prisoners. Then they were to be deposed of in various ways. Capt. Kinney was to be shot down in the presence of all the others, several were to be lynched, others were to be whipped, and still others were to be banished from the county.
When Gov. Marmaduke came to examine into the matter
closely he made up his mind that a militia company was not needed in Taney
county, and he therefore refused to issue arms and commissions. This decision filled
the Bald Knobbers with glee, and they proceeded to hold a celebration. They now
number about five hundred and comprehend about all the preachers and Christians
in this county. Further violence is expected.
End of Article
Works Cited:
Gerry. Bald Knobbers: The Ozark Vigilantes.
“Turmoil and Unrest in the Missouri Hills.” 12
Dec. 2010 .
Elmo and Mary Hartman. Bald Knobbers:
Vigilantes on the Ozarks Frontier. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing, 1992.
History. 2011. Baldknobbers Jamboree Show. 12 Dec.
2010 <http://www.baldknobbers.com/history/>.
“The Pious Bald Knobbers.” The Sun, Ney York
City, New York. 53.237 (25 Apr., 1886) 1. New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden
Foundation. United States Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 15 Nov. 2011
< http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov>.
Thanks for the links to the above people on Find A Grave. Another excellent post as always.
Fascinating! My mother's family were in Taney and Ozark counties at the time.
Thannk you
I find it interesting how you connect your personal experiences growing up in the Ozarks to political activism.
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