Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bad Spell of Love

Winning a bride’s hand in marriage and the consent for a future father-in-law may seem a daunting task.
The remedy may be a well written letter persuasion.    
Just make sure to consult a dictionary.

Here is a small article that originated from the Kansas City Star in 1905.

I hope you enjoy.

An Ozark county farmer, says the Kansas City Star, received a note from a young man who had been “going with” his daughter recently which read as follows:

Dear Sur –
Wood like Jessie’s hand in marage.
She and I are in luv and I need a wife.
Yures, Henry

The farmer replied by letter, saying:

Friend Henry,
You don't need a wife.
You need a spelling book.
Get one and study it a year.
Then write me again.

Works. Cited:
"Bad Spell of Love.” Richmond Times. (17 Sept.1905) A-2. Access Newspaper Archive. Baxter County Library, Mountain Home, AR. 1 Dec. 2009

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