Saturday, October 1, 2011

Arkansas Genealogy Roadshow II

I would like to thank all who came and volunteered or participated at the recent Arkansas Genealogy Roadshow at the Donald W. Reynolds Library in Mountain Home, Arkansas, September 24th. Additionally, this huge event could not be possible without the staff of the library. I would like to personally thank Julie Stewart, who works at the library as our Volunteer Coordinator, for all her work behind the scenes.  

I am also grateful for the 11 local Historical Societies setting up tables & 6 Genealogy Expert Tables sharing their love of genealogy & history.

The lectures were wonderful and informative with Dr. Lisa Perry, from the NorthEast Arkansas Regional Archives (NEARA),  Dr. Daniel Littlefield Jr. - Dr. Littlefield, author, lecturer, and director of UALR’s Sequoyah National Research Center,  Mr. Michael Bentley with his extensive & knowledge in photograghs  of  the Pre Civil War/ Civil War Antebellum / Late 1800's  Eras, and  Dr. Buford Suffridge sharing how the utilization of DNA can work as an aide in Genealogy Research. Furthermore, I would also like to thank the Arkansas Genealogical Society for co-sponsoring this event.

I believe this will not be the last of our Local History & Genealogy Reunions in the future as we learn and discover our Ozarks’ History.

I am Respectfully Yours,


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yardleighsabatini said...
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