Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Reflection of Thanks

Jacob Grisso - The Stones Cry Out.
I would like to take this moment to thank all those who have read Ozarks’ History this past year. I have enjoyed the many emails and the contacts from many. The blog that seemed to receive the most response this past year was the entitled, “The Stones Cry Out: The Grisso Cemetery.” This particular blog was a joy to write, and it also took a few trips to the archives in Little Rock to cull out its’ contents. Moreover, the reflection and introspection in that piece that I wrote about myself is still something I carry in my heart. It is amazing in how researching & writing are one of the tools the Lord uses to plant small kernels of truth in me, and then later, I begin to see His hand working in other avenues. Another blog that have topped the list of responses was Junior & Viola Peters. This one was truly from my heart and evoked past memories & emotions of my childhood. Even though I received a fair amount of responses from the Ozark County area from people who knew Junior & Viola, it was amazing to see the responses from those who do not live in the Ozarks, but they had the chance to briefly meet them in only a few paragraphs in this blog. Wow…go figure.

Samuel Willhite - Ozark Prophet
Oddly enough, there are other posts that still induce emails, even though they are old blogs. The blogs that still have quirky responses by email are: Ozark Sasquatch, Our Nation Is to Be Destroyed… Tomorrow, The Original Hound Dawg Man, and Amazon Women Spotted in Ozark County.

I have not posted in the past month due to some projects I have thrown myself into and preparing for 2012. I am not only talking about this blog, but preparing spiritual, mentally, physically, and at my job. First, as some would know, I work at the Donald W. Reynolds Library, and we have some major historical projects taking place this year, including Civil War Sesquicentennial Celebration on May the 5th, called “Fire in the Hole.” Also, the national exhibit called “Lincoln, the Constitution, and the Civil War” will be in our library September 26th – November 9th.  We will be having Dr. Brooks Blevins & Dr. Michael Dougan giving lectures during this time. This will be a 6 week extravaganza that will not be soon forgotten.

Concerning this blog, I have been downloading a mass of research of old newspapers concerning the notorious group called the Baldknobbers. These are not the entertainers in Branson, Missouri, but the vigilantes who took the law into their own hands in the 1880’s - 90’s throughout Christian, Ozark, and Taney County, Missouri. A huge culmination to this saga ended in a court trial and bungled execution at the end of a rope that was not tested and properly prepared. Some of the stories are heart rending. At the beginning, I thought it would be only one or two blogs, but it was more than I expected. I am starting to transcribe newspapers at the moment and will release these articles throughout this year in different parts. Another joy in this endeavor is not only preparing new material but having the opportunity in sharing Ozarks’ History in programs and lectures. 

If this wasn’t enough, it seems more things have been added to my plate. For example, I am the new president of the Baxter County Genealogical & Historical Society. Furthermore, I have also accepted a 3 year team in Little Rock on the Board of Directors for the Arkansas Genealogical Society, which should be interesting since I live 3 hours from there. 

In this past year, I also had the opportunity to consult briefly for two networks concerning possible series on the Ozarks. In those times, I could feel myself being stretched, but I knew the Lord’s ever-present help, for which I am grateful for. On one project, after doing some research, I urged them to kill the project because I honestly thought it was dumb and a waste of time. The other project, I believe, still has some possibilities. Time will tell.

I hope you have a great new year and find your clarity of purpose this year. I have not only been blessed with a great heritage, but I have been surrounded by friends that challenge me and opportunities that stretch me. My prayer is that you too will be blessed, challenged, stretched in your purpose.

Your friend in the Ozarks’ History,



Michelle said...

I came across your blog last week and have enjoyed reading it and look forward to more posts. I love the Ozark region, I grew up north of KC,Mo.. Thanks for your writing!!

Trlevy said...

Thank you for shaaring this