Visit Ozarks’ History as we discover 8 different elements in the former
Old Yocham Bend Cemetery in 1948.
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Come on another historical excursion with Ozarks’ History as we walk through the Old Athens Cemetery in northeastern Baxter County,
Arkansas. The cemetery is slightly elevated on a wooden hill above
Bennett’s Bayou, also known as Bennett’s River. It is also the same area
that Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, and his partner, Levi Pettibone, journeyed
through in December of 1818.
Along the way, we will hear stories about
family connections and the first Primitive Baptist Church established in
this area in 1848. The founder of the church is listed as William T.
Anderson and his wife Eunice.
We are also excited to be reviewing two new Stone Table Crypts
containing two Neck-Discoid Tombstones. This broadens our count of
Neck-Discoid stones to 52. We will also learn how to read faded epitaphs
with the etchings eroding away over time, using shaving cream, a
squeegee, water, a brush, and D-2 Solution.
Enjoy the pictures and extra videos at the end of the program.
This book is an
excellent resource if you ever chance through a cemetery or enjoy
spending time on those sacred grounds. "Gone to the Grave," a meticulous autopsy of this now vanished way of
life and death, documents mourning and practical rituals through
interviews, diaries and reminiscences, obituaries, and a wide variety of
other sources. Abby Burnett covers attempts to stave off death;
passings that, for various reasons, could not be mourned according to
tradition; factors contributing to high maternal and infant mortality;
and the ways in which loss was expressed through obituaries and
epitaphs. A concluding chapter examines early undertaking practices and
the many angles funeral industry professionals worked to convince the
public of the need for their services.
Come on another historical excursion with Ozarks’ History as we walk
along the confluence of Lick Creek & Possum Walk Creek near Mammoth,
Missouri, in Ozark County. This is the area Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, and
his partner, Levi Pettibone, journeyed through on December 5th - 7th,
1818. Along the way, we will read from Schoolcraft’s 2nd Narrative.
Enjoy the pictures & extra videos at the end of the video.
Come on another historical excursion with Ozarks’ History as we walk
along the confluence of Lick Creek & Possum Walk Creek near Mammoth,
Missouri, in Ozark County. This is the area Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, and
his partner, Levi Pettibone, journeyed through on December 5th, 1818.
Along the way, we will read from Schoolcraft’s Narrative.
Enjoy the pictures & extra videos at the end of the video.