As I have written before, the saga of Ozark vigilante groups
extracting retribution in the latter 1800’s did not occur within one local
community exclusively. It occurred throughout the Ozarks, and the common
moniker for these anonymous, self-appointed citizens became known as Bald
Knobbers. As every county assumed the assemblage of their own league, some
groups, it seemed, were ensconced as a permanent league within a community.
Yet, some leagues were formed for a determinate amount of time in order to
rectify a "wrong." Examples of these excursions in Arkansas occurred in Baxter, Boone &
Marion Counties. When vigilante groups operate outside the
restraints of the law, circumstances seem to scamper out of normal boundaries
and propel a group or community into a situation rarely conceived. I was reminded
of this earlier this year when I decided to stroll through small Ozark cemetery
to survey a crumbling monument to a tragic event.
Jones, W. R. “James Hamilton Murdered,” Mountain Echo, Oct. 22, 1886 (Yellville, AR). |
"Worthy Citizen Assassinated," Arkansas True Democrat, Little Rock, AR, p.8 on October 26, 1886. |
Monument of James N.
Hamilton at the Oakland Cemetery in Baxter County, Arkansas. Photo by Vincent
S. Anderson/Ozarks’ History
James N. Hamilton came from Bear Creek area of Searcy
County, Arkansas, and he was the son of one of the original pioneers of Searcy
County. James previously served as the Searcy County Sheriff in his native
county from 1876-1878 and County Clerk from 1878-1880.2 Next, Hamilton served a tour of 4 years as a Deputy
Collector for the United States Department of the Treasury - Office of Internal
Revenue. Yes, Hamilton was a Revenuer,
and he was not a novice to law enforcement. In 1884, Hamilton raided an “illegal
still in Johnson County, [Arkansas,] but the operator of the still escaped and
remained in hiding.”3
During his service as a revenuer, James N. Hamilton married Nora
Hensley.4 By 1885, James’ older brother, Jerry Hamilton, moved
from Searcy County and relocated in the Oakland, Arkansas, near Cane Bottom
Bluff on Yocham Bend on the White River. James followed suit and lived nearby
his brother, Jerry, in Oakland, Arkansas.5 Subsequent to his move to Marion
County, Arkansas, James filed to run for sheriff on the 1886 Republican ticket in
his new Marion County residence. Additionally, as the Hamilton family settled
on their new tracts of land, James hired men, James Page & James Stewart, to
help cut lumber and clear bottom land for farming.5
Location of Cane Bottom Bluff from plat map of Marion County & the White River on June 5, 1848. Land Description: AR - 5th PM, 021.0N - 016.0W. United States Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management-Government Land Office Records at |
![]() |
Location of Cane Bottom Bluff from Google Earth. Accessed & Modifications by Vincent S. Anderson June 01, 2018. |
About 4:00 am on October 18, 1886, James N. Hamilton was
sleeping in bed with his wife and small son, Jasper S. Hamilton, and a
murderous bullet was plunged through the young farmer’s skull. As the report
from the pistol rang out in the small cabin, the last cry from Hamilton’s lips
that his wife and assassin heard was: “Oh, Lord!” The next day, James’ family,
including his wife, Nora, and three children, laid his body to rest in the
Yocham Cemetery, a local Oakland cemetery.6
The news spread throughout the small White River village, and
speculation ran wild as neighbors ascertained the impetus to another heinous offense.
In many cases, crimes are attributed to love or money. According to
speculation, an incentive for this crime was due to passion and spurned love.
For many citizens of that time and region, murder had become a common wholesale
commodity. Just across the Stateline in Missouri, the Bald Knobber saga in Christian
& Taney Counties were also beginning to gain its bluster, and Northern
Arkansas seemed to follow in a familiar similitude, along with vigilante
justice. According the Mountain Echo
in Yellville, Arkansas, James N. Hamilton was “…the fourth man murdered within
a radius of six or eight miles [of Oakland] within the last four years, and no
one [was] ever brought to justice until Judge Lynch took it to his head to
avenge the death of Mr. Hamilton by hanging the murder.”7
The North Fork Township Justice of the Peace, Mr. William.
L. Due, Esqr., also locally known as “Uncle Billy,”8 convened an
inquest the next morning, and the quorum was convinced “that one James Page did
the killing. He was arrested and brought for an examining trial”9 Along
in the inquest, it was determined James Stewart should also be held as an
accessory in the murder, and his testimony would be valuable for the
prosecution of the case.
As evening started to approach in Oakland, the rumors
of mob & vigilante valance began to circulate throughout the village.
Therefore, it was settled upon to move James Page to Yellville and keep him in
the Marion County Jail that Tuesday evening. Nevertheless, once Page was placed
under guard in the county jail, Pace was forcibly taken from Deputy Sheriff
Lawson, Col. Orcutt, and other jail guards “by a large body of armed men.” As
the hooded men absconded with Page, many had little doubt that Page would soon
reap his just deserts. Col. Orcutt testified that the mob brandished “…pistols
four feet long.” As the vigilante group expedited James Page to the backwoods
of Marion County, a separate posse pursued the vigilantes the newspapers called
Bald Knobbers. Once the posse overtook the Bald Knobbers, Page took advantage
of the melee, made his escape, and headed toward the Boston Mountains.10
Fortunately, Page was recaptured on Saturday, October 27, 1886, by a posse lead
by Mr. Jasper
Wayne Hensley. 11 Interestingly enough, Mr. Hensley, the
father-in-law to James N. Hamilton, had also moved to Oakland the year prior,
and was the former Searcy County Treasurer 1872-1874 and the County &
Circuit Clerk for Searcy County from 1880 to 1884; Hensley had extensive
knowledge of the mountain region into which Page fled. With James Page’s recapture, it finally
disclosed that Page was an alias name for Andrew Jackson Mullican.12
Diagram of the James N. Hamilton cabin published in the Mountain Echo November 5, 1886. |
While a trial to determine the guilt of James Stewart ensued,
Andrew Jackson Mullican was compelled to testify as to Stewart’s involvement in
the murder. At first, Mullican refused to testify, but the judge insisted on
the testimony or Mullican would be held in contempt of court. As Mullican gave
his testimony, the Mountain Echo described
the assassin, A. J. Mullican, measuring:
…5 feet 8 inches high, has light
hair and light mustache, light complexion, and is of stout build and well
muscled, and is about 22 years of age. He is illiterate and has a particular
brogue in his speech occasioned by the omission of syllables and words. He says
he broke out of jail at Clinton, this State, a year ago, and adopted the name
Page to avoid detection. He claims his mother lives on the Boston Mountain.13
"Giving the Murder His Quietus"
The Mountain Echo
observed that Mullican “seems to have a peculiar horror for jail and the rope,
then took the stand and retracted so much of his former statement” implicating Stewart.”
Additionally, Mullican stated the true cause of the murder was the “great
attachment” he possessed for Hamilton’s wife. To his chagrin, Hamilton said he
“thought he would have died rather than have made known the fact-but that he
loved Hamilton’s wife, and that he conceived the idea that he would kill him
and get him out of the way; that this was the sole cause of the murder.14
Seeing the nature of the situation of how many citizens in
the region detested what Mullican had done, it was thought it would be best to
transport him to Harrison, Arkansas, jail for safe keeping on November 4, 1888.
The Harrison Times affirmed the
sentiment reasoning that since the murder, “there has been rumors to the effect
that, in view of the atrocious character of the crime and the fact that
Mullican made a full confession regarding it, there was little doubt but that a
mob from Marion and Searcy counties would eventually accelerate justice by
giving the murderer his quietus.” 15
[Quietus qui·e·tus Noun - a finishing stroke; anything that effectually ends or settles: Discharge or release from life.]16
A week
later, on November the 11th, two guards paced the gloomy confinement
where Mullican was restrained. As the rain starting blowing through the bars in
the window, nighttime settled over the Boone County Jail. About 12:30 in the
morning, a large mob of veiled & hooded men arrived at the jail “holding their guns in a
manner which was calculated to inspire the boys with a sudden desire to obey
whatever order might be given.”17
that the keys of the jail were in the possession of Deputy Sheriff J. P. Johnson, one of the guards was forced into
service and a committee of the lynchers repaired to Mr. J.’s house, aroused him
from bed, and by vigorous use of a shotgun argument induced him not only to
furnish the keys to the jail, but to accompany them to the same and see the
opening thereof was satisfactorily accomplished. It took little time after this
committee had returned to enter the jail, sever the shackles which bound
Mullican to the floor and tie a rope around his neck; after which the pickets
which had been thrown out in various directions were withdrawn and the party
departed, crossing the creek near Bellefonte. They did not go far, however, as
a tree with strong branches just south of Esquire Andrew’s residence suggested
itself as suitable for their purpose and preparations were at once made to
string him thereto. But by this time many of the people of town [Harrison] had
been aroused, and the ringing of bells, shouting crowds and general racket
created by excited citizens perhaps frightened the lynchers into completing
their work without further delay; so several gathered about the unhappy man who
was begging piteously for his life, a dozen pistols rang out upon the air, and
leaving Mullican struggling in his gore, they remounted their horses and rode
hurriedly away.18
As the Boone County
citizens arrived at the melee, some estimated about 50 Bald Knobbers made
up the mob. Once the shots rang out, about 22 of the Knobbers headed south on the
Valley Springs Road, also known as the Marshall branch of the road, most likely
towards Searcy County. The remaining
Knobbers headed back towards Marion County.
"Harrison, Arkansas, Oct., 1905," Arkansas Historical Topographic Maps, University of Texas at Austin-Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, Accessed June 01, 2018. |
On the next morning, the
Boone County Corner assembled an inquisition, and it was stated:
The 12th day of November, 1886, at Harrison, in the County of Boone, before J. K. Young, coroner of said county, upon the view of the dead body of Andrew Jackson Mullican, we, twelve good and lawful persons of said county, who being in due form sworn, say that the said Mullican came to his death by seven pistol shots in the hands of unknown persons, in the town of Harrison, county of Boone, State of Arkansas, on the night of the 11th day of November, 1886.19
On March of 1948, the
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers approved & surveyed the old Yocham Cemetery in Oakland,
Arkansas. The cemetery was scheduled to be inundated by the future Bull Shoals
Lake, subsequent to the construction of the dam.
Amongst the wooded area of the
old cemetery stood a small stone obelisk giving evidence of another
era, an era of vigilante lawlessness & Bald Knobbers. The small monument commemorated a fallen father, citizen, and lawman: James N. Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton's grave was plotted as #165., and it was slated to be moved to plot #515 at the new Oakland
Cemetery on Hwy. 5 North, near the Arkansas/Missouri Stateline.20
Though many may drive by this small cemetery without knowing the circumstances of those who lie beneath the sod, the influences of those of the past, though remote, have shaped our lives into who we are today. Yet in my reflection, I believe my Father in Heaven reminds me that if not for His mercy, I would be in a sorry state of affairs. For myself, raised in the Ozarks, I have always believed justice would be meted out. If not in this life, the World to Come will distribute justice & mercy in righteousness.
Though many may drive by this small cemetery without knowing the circumstances of those who lie beneath the sod, the influences of those of the past, though remote, have shaped our lives into who we are today. Yet in my reflection, I believe my Father in Heaven reminds me that if not for His mercy, I would be in a sorry state of affairs. For myself, raised in the Ozarks, I have always believed justice would be meted out. If not in this life, the World to Come will distribute justice & mercy in righteousness.
Today, I can still see remnants
of vigilante aspirations arise in hearts of those who I know…even in myself. It
happened last week when a group of young men pulled up beside me going down the
highway, and they began flipping fingers & shouting out their window
concerning the appearance of my old car. In the heat of the moment, I just
gripped my steering wheel and wished I was a member of the law. Not really,
because I really wanted to slap a few knots on their skulls. It’s amazing how
quick the vigilante/Bald Knobber can arise in one’s heart. Honestly, when I see
corruption, inequality, intimidation, and perverse judgments in our society
& nation, I am tempted to think it is only in our generation that
unrighteousness reigns in our country. When I look back on our history, I am
often reminded we have more in common with our past than many realize. I recall
the same circumstances in scripture where the Lord pleads:
2 “How long will you judge unjustly
and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.21
and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.21
Yet, in our
self-righteousness, we seem to forget:
There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to
But who are you to judge your neighbor?22
For those who are exasperated over what is happening in our world, take hope. There is One who is
watching. Enjoy your Ozarks’ History.
1. James N. Hamilton, 1886; Burial, Baxter, Arkansas,
United States of America, Oakland Cemetery; citing record ID 79906664, Find
a Grave,
2. Searcy
County Arkansas: A History of Searcy County Arkansas and Its People, Searcy
County Retired Teachers Association, Marshall, AR, 1987.
3. “Deputy Collector James N. Hamilton,” Officer Down Memorial Page,
4. Nora Hensley Reeves, 1924; Burial, Maricopa, Arizona, United
States of America, City of Mesa Cemetery; citing record ID 65210954, Find a
4. Nelson, Gary, Oakland,
Arkansas: Prehistory & History. Oakland, AR: 2010, 59.
Jones, W. R. “The Hamilton Murder,” Mountain
Echo, Nov. 4, 1886 (Yellville, AR). Microfilm AR462. Mountain Home, AR:
Baxter County Library Archives.
Jones, W. R. “James Hamilton Murdered,” Mountain
Echo, Oct. 22, 1886 (Yellville, AR). Microfilm AR462. Mountain Home, AR:
Baxter County Library Archives.
William L. "Uncle Billy" Due, 1915; Burial, Baxter, Arkansas,
United States of America, Oakland Cemetery; citing record ID 79906083, Find
a Grave,
Jones, “James Hamilton Murdered,” Mountain
Echo, Oct. 22, 1886.
———. “The Hamilton Murder,” Mountain Echo,
Nov. 4, 1886.
Jasper Wayne Hensley, 1893; Burial, Searcy, Arkansas, United States of America,
Marshall Cemetery; citing record ID 9011108, Find a Grave,
12. Jones,
“Local Echoings,” Mountain Echo, Oct.
———. “The Hamilton Murder,” Mountain Echo,
Nov. 4, 1886.
———. “Mullican Mobbed,” Mountain Echo,
Nov. 19, 1886.
16. “Quietus,” Random House Unabridged Dictionary,
Random House, Inc. 2018,
17. Jones, “Mullican Mobbed,” Mountain Echo, Nov. 19, 1886.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, "Yocham Cemetery: 1950" Cemetery Relocation Files: Bull
Shoals & Norfork Lakes, Apr., 2010. Mountain Home, AR:
Baxter County Library Archives.
Psalms 82:2-4, ESV.
22. James 4:12, ESV.